
Reasons You’re Not Satisfied With Your Higher Income

For many of us, a career-defining moment is landing a job with a higher salary we have been dreaming of since no one knows when. To some, it could be receiving a notice from our managers telling us, “Congratulations! You have been promoted!”. When we finally achieve these goals, the natural reaction is excitement.

Still, why aren’t you feeling as thrilled as you thought you would? Now that you will be receiving fatter paychecks, shouldn’t you be all-day smiles, rainbows and butterflies? Where is the joy that usually comes with increased income?

The hedonic treadmill is real

The hedonic treadmill is a psychological concept (not a fancy exercise equipment) which says we, humans, have this tendency to go back to the level of happiness we’ve come to know despite major positive or negative changes in our lives. Just like a treadmill, we run and run and run yet find ourselves in the exact same place over and over again.

Naturally, getting a salary boost means ecstasy, especially to those who have been relying on moneylender Singapore to make ends meet. However, this excitement usually wears off after a few weeks, months, and to some, even days. Remember that amazing feeling of buying the latest iPhone only to find yourself saying “Now, what?”. Higher paycheck can feel like this.

Keeping up with the Joneses

Here’s the thing: as your income goes up, you might find yourself in a new social circle. Maybe you’re hanging out with coworkers who earn similar salaries, or you’ve moved to a fancier neighborhood. Suddenly, you’re surrounded by people with nicer cars, bigger houses, and more expensive hobbies.

Before you know it, you’re feeling the pressure to “keep up with the Joneses.” That higher income? It’s going towards things you never even wanted before, just to fit in or maintain a certain image. And let me tell you, trying to keep up with others is a surefire way to feel unsatisfied, no matter how much you’re earning.

More Money, more problems (or at least, more responsibilities)

Remember when you were dreaming of that higher income? You probably didn’t factor in all the extra responsibilities that often come with it. Higher-paying jobs often mean longer hours, more stress, and greater expectations. You might find yourself with less free time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Plus, there’s often more pressure to perform at a higher level. The stakes are higher, and the fear of losing that higher income can be pretty stressful. All of this can lead to a feeling of being trapped or overwhelmed, which definitely puts a damper on any satisfaction you might feel from your increased earnings.

The comparison game never ends

Here’s a hard truth: there’s always someone earning more than you. Always. Even if you’ve doubled your income, you might find yourself looking at people who are making even more and feeling dissatisfied with your own situation.

This constant comparison can be a real mood-killer. It’s like social media – you’re always seeing the highlight reels of other people’s lives (or in this case, their bank accounts), and it can make you feel like you’re falling short, even when you’re doing great.

Money can’t buy happiness (cliché, but true)

While money can certainly make life easier and more comfortable, it doesn’t automatically translate to happiness or satisfaction. If you’re not happy with other aspects of your life – your relationships, your personal growth, your sense of purpose – no amount of money is going to fix that.

In fact, sometimes a higher income can mask these deeper issues. You might be tempted to throw money at problems or use shopping as a way to fill an emotional void. But at the end of the day, those new shoes or that fancy vacation won’t address the root causes of your dissatisfaction.


If you’re feeling unsatisfied despite your higher income, don’t worry – you’re not doomed to eternal discontent. The key is to focus on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment, beyond just the numbers in your bank account. Maybe it’s spending more time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby, or giving back to your community.

Remember, it’s okay to enjoy your higher income and the comfort it brings. But try not to let it define your happiness or self-worth. At the end of the day, satisfaction comes from within, not from your paycheck. So take a deep breath, count your blessings, and focus on creating a life that’s rich in more ways than just financially.

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